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Пользователь на проверке
На проверке
Game Version: Steam | Mail | Kakao ;
OS:Windows 10-11 (above 1909)
Processors: Intel, AMD;

Box - Draw a frame around enemies.
Box Type - Change the frame type [2D/3D].
ESP Name - Show player names.
ESP Team - Similar color for distance numbers to enemies in one team.
ESP HP - Show HP bar.
HP Type - [vertical bar, horizontal bar, number].
Skeleton - Show player skeleton.
Distance - Show the distance to enemies and objects.
Line - Show lines from the top of the screen to enemies and AirDrops.
Kill Count - Show kill count.
Enemy Weapon - Show enemy weapon, his ammo count, and the number of kills.
ShowBot - Show bots.
Visible Check - Change color for enemies behind an obstacle.
Item Drop - Show items on the ground.
Airdrop - Show airdrop loot.
Item Pic - Show loot images.
Image Size - Container loot image size.
Image SizeItem - Other loot image size.
Death Drop - Show deathbox loot.
Vehicle Pic - Show a vehicle as images.
Vehicle - Show a vehicle.
Item - Show items.
Item Ammo
Item Armor
Item Med
Item Suppressor
Item Scope
Item Weapon
AIM - Activate aimbot
AIM Bone - Aimbot target [Head, Body, Legs].
AIM Key - Aimbot activation key [SHIFT, CAPS, LMB, RMB, X, F].
FOV - Aimbot activation radius [can be changed with + and - buttons]
No FOV - Disable FOV visuals.
Aim Smooth - Aim snap speed, smoothing.
Aim Sleep - pause between aim cycles.
AntiScreenshot - Disable capture of the overlay on screenshots.
Radar - Show radar and set its position.


1day =3$
7 day = 10$
15 day = 18$

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